12 Jul Breathing and Posture
Bridget and Tony attended Dr. John Flutter’s “Breathing and Posture” course in Germany in March. They are now both qualified to help patients establish positive Nasal Breathing patterns, and eliminate the all too common destructive “mouth breathing” patterns, which are now proven to profoundly and negatively affect ones health.
They travelled to London in June for Dr. John Mew’s 4 day Symposium, on a myriad of topics including “Anthropology and the Evolution Man’s Skull”, “Baby Led Weaning”, “Orthotropics, Orthopaedics, and Orthodontics”, and of course Myofunctional Therapy.
In November they attended Dr. Derek Mahony’s mini residency course in London which not only included further training in Orthopaedics, and Orthodontics, but also incorporated very valuable training in OSA.