Advantages of 6 month braces! Cork dentist Dr Tony O’Connor explains why early orthodontic intervention is imperative in tackling a range of developmental problems among children Dental healthcare professionals are encouraged to assess orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs) in their patients. Interest in myofunctional therapy by sleep...
Dr Weston A.Price in his famous book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration". Dr Price was an American Dentist from Cleveland, Ohio. He travelled, accompanied by his wife, in the 1930's all around the world visiting the most remote areas of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. On his...
What if your child's face is not developing normally? And How to recognise the signs and symptoms of poor facial growth? This article will highlight the symptoms to look out for in your children, and let you know what early intervention techniques could prevent multiple health...
Bridget and Tony attended Dr. John Flutter's "Breathing and Posture" course in Germany in March. They are now both qualified to help patients establish positive Nasal Breathing patterns, and eliminate the all too common destructive "mouth breathing" patterns, which are now proven to profoundly and...
Upcoming Courses: AAPMD (American Academy of Physiological Medicine and Dentistry) N.Y. March 2015 Dr. Bill Hang Reopening Extraction Spaces LA May 2015 Dr. Kevin Boyd. Paediatric Dentist (Lurie Hospital Chicago) Cork June 2015 AAMS (American Academy Myofuntional Science) Conference L.A. September 2015 Recent Courses Attended by...